I asked 45 adult chatbots to send me nudes. What they sent me was….unexpected.
There are nearly 100 sex chatbots on the market now. But less than half of them can send you pics. The ones that do send pics usually charge extra. I think sharing pics is an important part of the AI girlfriend experience. So I spent nearly a hundred dollars signing up for each chatbot to compare their selfie skills. Here’s what I found.

Getting images on SpicyChat requires a $15 signup.
I chose SpicyChat’s most popular chatbot character, Mei. Mei is an east asian therapist with giant boobs. I asked her to send me her sexiest selfie and immediately received a pic of her in a low cut dress. Her face lacked detail but the look and expression was good overall. It was nice to see that the clothing and the environment matched the therapist vibe, but that’s where the positive traits ended.
There were some serious issues with her clothing and the background. Her navel shows through her dress in an unrealistic way. Also the stitching of the dress is disturbingly worm-like near her thigh. Probably the weirdest part of the image was the desk that she’s sitting on, or should I say bed? Whatever the strange piece of furniture is, it belongs more in a surrealist painting than a sext.
Candy AI

Candy AI gives you a couple free images when you first sign up. After that you have to pay $12.99. I browsed their top characters and chose one named Alexis. Alexis is an athletic blonde with a sweet smile and “girl next door” energy.
The face quality was even better than SpicyChat in my opinion. The skin texture and lighting were very detailed. The pictures had fewer glitches too. No trippy fingers or furniture to ruin the mood. The features and personality remained super consistent across multiple images.
The images weren’t perfect though. As you can see from the image shown, the generator got a little too zealous with Alexis’ abs. I suppose this isn’t a big deal if you’re into hardcore muscle mommies but there’s no denying something’s slightly off there.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that my $12.99 SpicyChat payment also bought me a really cool voice feature. After enjoying her underwear pics, I was able to give Alexis my phone number and have a voice call with her in real time on my actual cell phone.
Dream GF

Dream GF was the least expensive so far. It only cost $8.99 to unlock pics but you get what you pay for.
I chose one of the most upvoted characters on the site Victoria – a beautiful brunette who sees you as a friend.
Immediately after starting the chat, a library of nude photos of Victoria were unlocked. The photos were inconsistent even with major things like race or skin tone. Victoria was depicted as asian, white, and latina all in the same library.
When I requested a custom image of Victoria in a bikini, I received the image seen here with bizarre nipples. DreamGF seems to definitely favor nude photos. I think that’s part of the reason the photo turned out so weird. If you really like nudes then Dream GF is worth checking out. Otherwise, I can’t recommend this app for photos. Dream GF also has a site that specializes in anime style characters called ehentai. The images seemed a bit better over there. I didn’t include it here because I don’t want to give too much attention to any one company in this article. It did seem like a decent app though.
Muah AI

Muah AI was an absolute disaster. I don’t know how this site became one of the most popular chatbot sites. Immediately after putting in my credit card info and paying $9.99 the site crashed. I tried multiple times to load different characters to no avail. After 10 minutes of utter frustration, I was finally able to chat with a character named Lily. She is advertised as your horny identical twin and she looked like a typical hot anime character.
Coaxing an image out of her wasn’t easy. When it finally arrived, I was appalled by what I saw. How any self respecting company thinks it’s acceptable to charge money for this product is beyond me. I recommend saving your money and avoiding this one.
Kupid AI

I had a sour taste in my mouth after Muah AI. But Kupid AI turned that around quick. Kupid is impressive. After paying the $12.00 to gain Premium access, I chose the most popular character on the app. Her name was Alina and she was a Swedish secretary.
Her profile pic was beautiful but what surprised me more was the start of the chat. Instead of a generic text, I was greeted by a proper video message with facial animation and voice. I can’t praise the quality of the still images enough. They were all highly detailed and realistic. They kept the character super consistent in the face and even in fashion sense. When I requested specific outfits the results were spot on.
Asking for a sexy selfie prompted the image seen here. Other than a minor issue with her bottom straps being missing, the image was flawless. Definitely the best image I got out of the bunch.
Other Chatbots that Can Send Pics
Altogether, I found 45 chatbots that could generate images. The above list is the ones I thought were the most noteworthy. If you’re curious to see how the others stack up, check out the full list of chatbots that can send pics here.